
Thursday, June 11, 2020

The stadium.

It was one nice day until zombies came. People were thinking that they were real people. But the zombies were burning because of the sun. All the people were running. And zombies were coming out of the ground. After 1 hour it stopped 1 week later there was are another game happening. They went to the same plays as before. The game was good that time. it was first one to 10 it was new zealand vs new york. new zealand won after the game the zombies were coming out of the ground. And big monsters were coming down off the plane. And the biggest monster in the wolud came to but it was only 1 of the biggest zombies that came. The people ran and ran the monsters Killed 23 people. So they made are beas there was only 20 people that can fit. but someone counted all of the people in the beas. there were 30 people so they kicked 10 people out. As time went on it has been 3 weeks. They looked out of the door and nothing happened 12 weeks later. There was are nother game of football nothing happened again.I hope you like this one :).


  1. Chur my G nice writing blehhh im a zombie XD yeet

  2. Pai mahi taku tama.keep up the good work. DAD

  3. Hi son.its Dad.Good story.jus need to watch your
